Foundation Members

Founder of Jumma Gul Foundation

Haji Jumma Khan

Juma Gul Foundation

General secretary Jumma Gul foundation

Kareem Khan

Juma Gul Foundation

Why everyone donate to Jumma Gul Foundation?

  1. Community Engagement: The foundation actively engages with the community, listening to their needs and involving them in the decision-making process, which builds trust and encourages support.

  2. Track Record: Over time, the foundation has built a strong track record of successful projects and positive outcomes, earning the confidence of donors who see the tangible results of their contributions.

  3. Values Alignment: Donors resonate with the foundation's values of compassion, inclusivity, and social justice, and they want to support causes that align with their own principles and beliefs.

  4. Inspiring Leadership: The foundation is often led by inspiring individuals who are passionate about making a difference, which motivates donors to contribute to their vision and mission.